My Idea of Real Beauty.

Раздел: Essay, Reading | Сложность: B2, character traits | Комментарии: 0

Table of Contents



  • How would you describe true beauty?
  • What do people usually do to look better?
  • What is more important to you, inner or outer beauty in people?

My idea of real beauty.

I am still impressed by meditating on this topic. So let me express my point of view on this topic. I fully agree that everyone wants to be good-looking. Most people are constantly trying to take much care of themselves: they buy expensive brand clothes, use a lot of makeup, go to sports centres to improve their bodies, and take regular exercise in order to look slimmer and healthier. Some people have plastic surgery on in order to stop the signs of aging and look younger. They pay too much attention to how they look on the outside. But I do believe that some appearances are deceitful, and a fair face may hide a foul heart.

I am sure I am too mature not to judge people around me at first sight. I am lucky to socialize with people who are open-hearted, well-educated, modest, polite, honest, and generous. I feel at ease with them without any fear or embarrassment. They are always patient and loving; they never show anger, hatred, or irritation, even if they are in deep trouble or under the weather. In my opinion, the main idea of human beauty is to accept my surroundings (nearest and dearest) the way they are.

Really wise people are never easily offended; they control their feelings and emotions, and they treat me with compassion and understanding. Any ugly man or woman can look attractive and be absolutely happy if they are interesting and open-hearted persons. Their faces look radiant and attractive when you speak to them.

And in addition to my story, it is very important to live in harmony with Eternity, being sympathetic and compassionate. Never repay evil with evil and insult with insult.



1 / 5

The author thinks that it is wrong to judge people based on their physical appearance.

2 / 5

The author believes that external beauty is the most important factor when evaluating someone.

3 / 5

The author argues that wisdom and emotional control contribute to a person's attractiveness.

4 / 5

According to the author, people who are open-hearted and compassionate are always more attractive than those who focus solely on their outward appearance.

5 / 5

The author believes that plastic surgery is an effective way to achieve true beauty.

Your score is

Select the correct option

1 / 6

Some people have plastic surgery in order_____

2 / 6

They are always patient and loving; ____

3 / 6

I am sure I am too mature____

4 / 6

Really wise people are never easily offended; ___

5 / 6

Any ugly man or woman can look attractive and____

6 / 6

Most people are constantly trying to take much care of themselves: ____

Your score is


Answer the questions

What is the author’s opinion on the excessive focus on outer appearance?

Example Answer: The author believes that too much attention is given to outer appearance, such as wearing expensive clothes, using makeup, or undergoing plastic surgery to look younger. They argue that appearances can be deceitful and a fair face may hide a foul heart.

How does the author define the main idea of human beauty?

Example Answer: The author defines human beauty as accepting others for who they are. They value qualities like open-heartedness, modesty, politeness, honesty, and generosity over physical appearance.

What traits does the author admire in people they socialize with?

Example Answer: The author admires people who are open-hearted, patient, loving, polite, honest, and generous. They value those who do not show anger or irritation, even in difficult situations.

What does the author suggest about wise people and their behavior?

Example Answer: The author suggests that wise people are not easily offended, control their emotions, and treat others with compassion and understanding. They believe such qualities make even those who are not conventionally attractive appear radiant and happy.

What moral principle does the author emphasize at the end of the text?

Example Answer: The author emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with Eternity by being sympathetic and compassionate. They advocate never repaying evil with evil or insult with insult.

Express your opinion

  1. How do you interpret the phrase "a fair face may hide a foul heart"? Can you think of any real-life examples where this idea applies?
  2. In your opinion, what makes someone truly beautiful—inner qualities, outer appearance, or a combination of both? Why?
  3. The author mentions that wise people are never easily offended and control their emotions. Do you agree with this as a sign of wisdom? Why or why not?
  4. How do you think society's focus on physical appearance impacts people's self-esteem and relationships?
  5. The author talks about living in harmony with Eternity and being compassionate. What does living in harmony mean to you, and how do you practice it in your own life?


Write an essay on how you understand true beauty in people. Use the outline below:

1. Introduction

  • Define beauty: Explain what beauty means to you or society in general.
  • Present a thesis: State your main argument or perspective on beauty (e.g., "True beauty lies within, not in physical appearances").
  • Engage the reader: Use a rhetorical question, quote, or anecdote to grab attention.

2. Types of Beauty

  • Physical Beauty: Discuss society’s emphasis on appearance, such as fashion, makeup, and fitness.
  • Inner Beauty: Highlight qualities like kindness, compassion, honesty, and wisdom.
  • Natural Beauty: Consider the beauty of nature or simplicity (e.g., landscapes, art, or unadorned appearances).

3. Society and Beauty

  • Cultural standards: Explore how different cultures define and value beauty.
  • Media influence: Discuss how media shapes beauty standards and its impact on self-image.
  • Challenges: Highlight issues like body shaming, unrealistic beauty standards, or the pressure to conform.

4. Personal Perspective

  • Share your own definition of beauty: What matters most to you?
  • Include personal experiences or examples that shaped your understanding of beauty.

5. Philosophical and Moral Aspects

  • The saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder": Reflect on subjectivity and individuality in beauty.
  • The idea of harmony: How does inner beauty contribute to a more fulfilling life?
  • The balance of inner and outer beauty: Discuss whether they are interconnected.

6. Importance of Inner Beauty

  • Emphasize qualities like empathy, generosity, and emotional intelligence.
  • Highlight how inner beauty impacts relationships and personal happiness.

7. Examples and Anecdotes

  • Use real-life examples, quotes, or famous personalities who embody your idea of beauty.
  • Share stories where inner beauty triumphed over physical appearance.

8. Conclusion

  • Restate your thesis: Summarize your main points about the nature of beauty.
  • Leave the reader with a thought-provoking question or statement (e.g., "Should we redefine beauty to include more than just appearances?").
  • Encourage reflection: Invite the reader to think about their own perception of beauty.

Additional Tips:

  • Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of beauty in its various forms.
  • Keep your tone thoughtful and reflective, especially if discussing abstract concepts.
  • Avoid clichés and aim for originality in your argument and examples.


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