Speaking About Duties and Responsibilities (Professions)

Раздел: Communication | Теги: A2 | Автор: Константин Пелых | Комментарии: 0

  • Based on Grammar: Modal Verbs
  • Based on Vocabulary: Personality Traits, Abilities, Skills
  • Practice: 1) speaking about duties, responsibilities, rules 2) giving advice 3) describing personality traits


  • What do you do? What are your responsibilities?
  • Are there any rules you must follow?
  • What would you advise for success?


Read the dialogues

What does a psychologist do every day?

Dialogue 1: A Psychologist

Client: What do you do every day?
Psychologist: I talk to people and help them with their feelings.
Client: Do you have any rules to follow?
Psychologist: Yes, I must keep everything secret.
Client: What can I do if I feel stressed?
Psychologist: You should talk to someone and rest.
Client: What do you want to get better at?
Psychologist: I want to help children better.
Client: How do you get ready for your work?
Psychologist: I read my notes and plan activities.
Client: What skills do you need?
Psychologist: You must be kind, patient, and a good listener.


Клиент: Чем вы занимаетесь каждый день?
Психолог: Я разговариваю с людьми и помогаю им справиться с их чувствами.
Клиент: Есть ли у вас какие-нибудь правила, которым нужно следовать?
Психолог: Да, я должен хранить все в тайне.
Клиент: Что мне делать, если я испытываю стресс?
Психолог: Вам нужно поговорить с кем-нибудь и отдохнуть.
Клиент: В чем вы хотите стать лучше?
Психолог: Я хочу лучше помогать детям.
Клиент: Как вы готовитесь к работе?
Психолог: Я читаю свои записи и планирую деятельность.
Клиент: Какие навыки вам необходимы?
Психолог: Вы должны быть добрым, терпеливым и хорошим слушателем.

What rules must a psychologist follow?

What are the responsibilities of an athlete?

Dialogue 2: An Athlete

Fan: Your job must be exciting! What do you do every day?
Athlete: Yes, but I must train hard every day.
Fan: Do you follow any rules?
Athlete: Yes, I must listen to my coach and not train too much.
Fan: What advice do you have for new athletes?
Athlete: You should keep trying and never give up.
Fan: What do you want to improve?
Athlete: I want to be faster and more flexible.
Fan: How do you prepare for competitions?
Athlete: I eat healthy food, sleep well, and practice a lot.
Fan: What skills are important?
Athlete: You must be strong, focused, and never give up.


Болельщик: Ваша работа должна быть захватывающей! Чем вы занимаетесь каждый день?
Спортсмен: Да, но я должен упорно тренироваться каждый день.
Болельщик: Вы следуете каким-нибудь правилам?
Спортсмен: Да, я должен слушать своего тренера и не тренироваться слишком много.
Болельщик: Что вы посоветуете начинающим спортсменам?
Спортсмен: Нужно продолжать стараться и никогда не сдаваться.
Болельщик: Что вы хотите улучшить?
Спортсмен: Я хочу стать быстрее и гибче.
Фанат: Как вы готовитесь к соревнованиям?
Спортсмен: Я ем здоровую пищу, хорошо сплю и много тренируюсь.
Болельщик: Какие навыки важны?
Спортсмен: Вы должны быть сильным, сосредоточенным и никогда не сдаваться.

What is the athlete's advice?

Are there any rules an artist must follow?

Dialogue 3: An Artist

Friend: Being an artist sounds fun! What do you do every day?
Artist: It is, but I must practice a lot. I draw and paint every day.
Friend: Do you have any rules?
Artist: Yes, I must clean my brushes and keep my space tidy.
Friend: What advice do you have for new artists?
Artist: You should practice a lot and be patient.
Friend: What do you want to improve?
Artist: I want to make better details and textures.
Friend: How do you get ready for an exhibition?
Artist: I frame my paintings and write about them. I also check the lights.
Friend: What skills are important for an artist?
Artist: You must be creative, patient, and open to advice.


Это Анна. Она добрая и дружелюбная. Ей нравится помогать людям, и на ее лице всегда улыбка. Анна также трудолюбива. Она старается изо всех сил во всем, что делает. Она творческая личность и любит рисовать и раскрашивать. Иногда Анна немного стесняется, но она вежлива и хорошо разговаривает с другими. Она честна и всегда говорит правду. Анна жизнерадостна и делает людей вокруг себя счастливыми.

What should an artist be like?


1. Put the questions and give the answers.

Using the texts above write questions for the athlete and the artist and give the answers based on the text above using the example below:


Сформулируйте вопросы и дайте ответы на основе текста для спортсмена и художника, используя приведенный ниже пример

  1. What are the psychologist's duties? - A psychologist has to talk to people and help them with their feelings.
  2. What rules must a psychologist follow? - A psychologist must keep everything secret.
  3. What does a psychologist want to improve? - They want to help children better.
  4. How does a psychologist get ready? - A psychologist reads their notes and plan activities.
  5. What skills are important for a psychologist? - A psychologist must be kind, patient and a good listener.
  6. What is the psychologist's advice? - You should talk to someone and rest.

2. Write questions

Write questions to your partner (your friend, classmate, coworker) about their duties, responsibilities, rules they need to follow, skills and advice.


Напишите вопросы своему партнеру (другу, однокласснику, коллеге) о его обязанностях, ответственности, правилах, которым он должен следовать, навыках, спросите его совет.

 Example: (advice) Can you give me advice?

  1. (duties, responsibilities)
  2. (rules)
  3. (improvements)
  4. (skills)
  5. (advice)
  1. What are your responsibilities (duties)? / What do you have to do? / What do you do every day?
  2. Do you have any rules to follow? / What are rules you must to follow? / What rules do you have to follow?
  3. What do you want to improve? / What do you want to get better at?
  4. What skills are important for you? / What skills do you need?
  5. Can you give me advice? / What is your advice? / Do you have any advice on how to study well?

3. Write about somebody you know

Talk about the duties, rules, skills and qualities of somebody you know (your friend, colleague, classmate, relative etc).


Расскажите об обязанностях, правилах, навыках и качествах кого-то из ваших знакомых (вашего друга, коллеги, одноклассника, родственника и т. д.).


My friend Tom is a computer programmer. He supports his company's online projects. At work, they have to speak only in English because the company is international. Tom must have good analytical skills and logic. He must be patient, detail-oriented and neat.

4. Write answers to the questions

Write about yourself:

  1. What are your responsibilities (duties)?  What do you do every day?
  2. Do you have any rules to follow? 
  3. What do you want to improve?
  4. What skills do you need?
  5. Do you have any advice on how to study well?

5. Read the situations and give advice

Situation 1: Too Much Homework 

"I have a lot of homework, and I don’t have enough time to finish everything. I feel very tired and stressed. What would you advise in this situation?"


"You should make a plan and do the most important tasks first. Also take short breaks to relax."

Situation 2: Missing the Bus

"This morning, I missed the bus to school because I woke up late. It happens often, and I don’t know what to do. What would you advise in this situation?"


"You should set an alarm and go to bed earlier to wake up on time. Also check the bus schedule and leave the house a little earlier to make sure you don’t miss it again."


1. Ask questions 

Imagine you are interviewing a member of the profession below. Ask questions about their:


Представьте, что вы проводите интервью с представителем нижеперечисленных профессий. Задайте вопросы об их:

  1. (duties, responsibilities)
  2. (rules)
  3. (improvements)
  4. (skills)
  5. (advice)

 Example: (advice) Can you give me advice?

Anna, psychologist

Mike, athlete

Emma, artist

  1. What are you responsibilities (duties)? / What do you have to do? / What do you do every day?
  2. Do you have any rules to follow? / What are rules you must to follow? / What rules do you have to follow?
  3. What do you want to improve? / What do you want to get better at?
  4. What skills are important for you? / What skills do you need?
  5. Can you give me advice? / What is your advice? / Do you have any advice on how to study well?

2. Express your opinions

Talk about the duties, rules, skills and qualities of a psychologist, an athlete and an artist.


A psychologist has to talk to people and help them solve their emotional problems. They must keep their clients' personal information confidential and respect their privacy. A psychologist must be wise, patient and educated.

3. Speak about yourself

Answer the questions:

  1. What are your responsibilities (duties)?  What do you do every day?
  2. Do you have any rules to follow? 
  3. What do you want to improve?
  4. What skills do you need?
  5. Do you have any advice on how to study well?

4. Speak about somebody you know

Talk about the duties, rules, skills and qualities of somebody you know (your friend, colleague, classmate, relative etc).


My friend Tom is a computer programmer. He supports his company's online projects. At work, they have to speak only in English because the company is international. Tom must have good analytical skills and logic. He must be patient, detail-oriented and neat.

5. Read the situations and give advice

Situation 1: Feeling Nervous Before an Exam
"I have an important exam tomorrow, but I feel very nervous and cannot concentrate on studying. I am afraid I will forget everything during the test. Can you give me advice what to do?"


"You should try some relaxation techniques, like deep breathing. You should make a study plan to feel more organized and confident. A good night’s sleep before the exam is also very important."

Situation 2: Choosing a Birthday Gift
"John wants to buy a birthday gift for his best friend, but he doesn’t know what to choose. His friend likes music and sports. Please give John some advice.


"I advise you to buy something related to your friend’s hobbies. You can buy concert tickets or a music album. A T-shirt or a ball would also be a good idea. 


Об авторе

Константин Пелых

Преподаватель английского языка, специалист в области педагогической психологии, автор материалов и разработчик EnglishPlan.ru

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